1.)What is your personal experience with homelessness and or housing insecurity? If you have not personally experienced homelessness or housing insecurity, but have been close to someone who was experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity, what do you see as your role? Do you believe housing is a universal human right?
I personally have never experienced homelessness or housing insecurity. However, my grandmother who is disabled and has a hard time moving around has due to her income slowing down and not being able to keep up with the rent after it was raised. My role as a Councilmember is to be a voice for the underserved and to at least ensure we have Affordable Housing available for those that need it and then to ensure we have protections in place to make sure they can feel comfortable and as if someone has their back because housing is a human right.
2.)According to federal statistics, almost 26% of the population (1 in 4) identify as having a disability, yet the percentage of housing that is accessible has stayed stagnant at less than 3% for over two decades. What steps will you take to make sure that builders and remodelers of housing affordable to households with low-incomes expand accessibility?
I believe the simplest solution is making sure we can connect them with resources and organizations that help build ramps for those with disabilities. Afterwards, I'm sure we can negotiate and incentivize future development deals to ensure they have some sore of accessible entrances etc
3.)It has been documented that Cincinnati is short of 28,000affordable homes. This 28,000 figure is specific to housing affordable to those of us at the bottom of the economic ladder, making around $18,000 a year or less, roughly Ohio's minimum. What new city legislation would you support or champion as a council member that would ensure more affordable housing is available to Cincinnati households at this level, where the need is greatest? What would this new legislation do?
Well to start I would look into passing an ordinance that holds developers accountable by adding affordable housing into every development deal that comes before Council to ensure that we're actively addressing the situation and ensuring Affordable Housing is spread across all 52 neighborhoods equally.
4.)About 50 Cincinnati families are now being evicted from their homes daily, and many more are effectively evicted when landlords raise rents and refuse to renew leases. Pay-to-Stay housing protections allow for families who are being evicted for non-payment of rent to pay all owed rent and to stay in their home. Will you push, in earnest, for housing protections? What additional city legislation will you pursue to curb, on a meaningful scale, Cincinnati’s massive crisis of eviction and displacement?
I will push for housing protections and I believe the best starting point for us to address this massive injustice is to support and pass Councilman Landsman Permeant Eviction Moratorium.